LGBTQ+ Call for Solidarity, Understanding, and Representation

    Almost two years ago now, Twitch streamer, animator, and YouTube Personality, Jaiden Dittfach (operating under the handle, Jaiden Animations) published a video on YouTube titled Being Not Straight in which she comes out as Aro/Ace (aromantic and asexual) and comments briefly on their meanings and her self-discovery journey.

    Within this video (particularly from 11:19 to 11:59 and 13:53 to 14:33) Jaiden notes the lack of Asexual and Aromantic representation in media (at least to a degree that she was never made aware of either's existence) and brings up how those identities often feel isolated from the rest of the LGTBQ+ community. This relates back to my "On 'The Five Sexes'" blogpost ( in which I confessed my lack of knowledge of intersex people and commented on how their particular struggles within the LGBTQ+ community can often be overlooked because they do not fall under the many umbrellas that gay and trans rights laws cover. These little instabilities and lack of education or awareness within the LGBTQ+ community are a significant threat for a movement established upon representation, equality, freedom, and acceptance. I believe there is an obligation for one to educate themselves on all LGBTQ+ matters and terminology to consider themselves an ally. I've been called out before for saying something uneducated even when I meant no ill-intention but looking back, it was wrong of me to make any presumptions. In order to stand as a whole, unified community, there needs to be an open discussion to ensure that each aspect of the community is made fully visible to ourselves. Then when we are united we can better educate others and put out proper depictions to ensure nobody feels isolated or like there is something wrong with who they are. To many, this video serves both as education on asexual and aromantic identities, but it is also a reminder that all queer identities are valid and must stand in solidarity in the fight for equality. 


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